
Combating “Evil Dog” Disease

A sick pet is more heartbreaking than anything (think puppy evil dog eyes). We can protect our pets against diseases by vaccinating them. This is a key point to remember when it comes down to diseases: Prevention is the best option.

Midland has seen an increase in canine (dog disease) incidents. You should be aware that there are two contagious diseases in canines: Canine Parvovirus or Parvovirus and Canine Distemper Virus or CDV.

Vaccination is the best way to protect your pet against these diseases. These diseases are important and vaccines are included in the standard package at your veterinarian’s shot clinics.

These diseases can cause severe problems in your evil dog

Parvo is a contagious viral disease TRAVEL SIZE SHAVING CREAM that affects dogs of all ages, including puppies and young adults. Parvo can easily be transmitted to any animal, object, or person who has come in contact with the feces of an infected evil dog. Parvo is not an immunity condition and unvaccinated animals are at high risk of contracting it if exposed. If left untreated, it can cause serious complications and even death.

A vicious virus called Distemper attacks the nervous, respiratory and digestive systems of dogs. It can be spread by air (through coughing, sneezing, and sharing food and water bowls). Infected dogs can develop seizures, muscle twitches and convulsions, as well as partial or complete paralysis. Infected dogs may develop a tilted head and circling behavior. Distemper can be fatal and cause permanent nerve damage in the evil dog that survive.

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Important Note: Please immediately consult your veterinarian if you notice any unusual behavior or symptoms in your pet such as vomiting, diarrhea or fever. Infected dogs may only show one symptom. Your vet will diagnose and treat your pet as soon as possible if you call them immediately.

At 6 weeks old, puppies should have their first vaccinations. Boosters should be given at three to four weeks intervals up until the puppy turns 16-18 weeks. The boosters should then be given at one year. Adult dogs who have been previously vaccinated need boosters each year.

Tips to help you avoid your dog getting infected

  1. Make sure you get the correct vaccinations. These diseases are common in evil dog of all ages, including puppies, adolescents, and adults.
  1. Your unvaccinated pet should not be exposed to other dogs for at least two weeks after receiving their boosters or shots. They are not fully protected until then.
  2. You should not take your dog to places where they could be exposed to infected dogs. You should avoid dog parks, pet shops, play groups and adoption centers as well as kennels, daycare, and other public areas until your dog has been fully vaccinated.