
Career Change: Get It Right-Get It Done!

Career change will happen for many of us. Sometimes it’s planned other times it sneaks up on us, other times it’s forced giving us few options.

Regardless of the circumstances career change is always a major decision. Get it right and your future becomes brighter, mess it up and you’re in a deep hole with fewer options to get out of the unfavorable career circumstances.

Deciding on a change of careers means you have a variety of factors to consider before you make a career change decision. Moving into and down a new career path requires a high level of research and analysis.

Making an informed decision on a new career means less missteps and not being forced to go though the painful process again if you find you made a career mistake. Staying away from mistakes in career changes can assure your future, increase your enjoyment and happiness in your career and build you value to your employer.

Here are three career change mistakes that you do not want to make so you need to get it done right and get the right change done on your planned timetable.

1. Quick scatter-shot career change decisions almost always turn out wrong. Thinking things through even in the face of a job you hate, or a boss from the dark side of the moon or an employer who treats employees like chattel still mandates a steady thoughtful approach.

If you spend too much time thinking about trying to escape your current situation and not enough time on careful consideration on your career move your overall plan may be deficient in critical areas.

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Don’t overlook the possibility of improving your current situation. If key issues can be improved; transfer to another department or another similar position in another better managed area of your employer or adding to your skills to perform additional duties or changed duties functions all could improve your situation.

Just quitting your current job without having a clear career change plan in place could be a mistake.

2. Trying to make a change in careers without a plan is like going on a long trip without a map. If the move is thoroughly planned, you chance of success goes way up.

Write out all your career goals. Flesh out your plan to include all the required details. Began your research into possible employers, more detailed information about the career and begin building your necessary skills.

Hopefully, you’ll start working your plan while still employed. As your skills get closer to the needs of the prospective employers you can begin your job search.

3. Now we discuss the central part of your career change plan. If future financial needs are not carefully considered the whole plan could be a non-starter. If you change careers, to a lower paying job for example, will you have the financial resources to weather the drop in income?

Increase your career options by reducing debt and daily expenses. Boost your savings and postpone any large purchases. Consider working in an interim job, part-time or temp, to help bridge the financial gap.

In summary, the three critical mistakes you do not want to make in planning a career change are making a quick decision, moving without a plan and not carefully considering the financial aspects of the career change. Solve these three career change issues and you change will go smoother and you are more likely to find the right job in the right career.

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